Julia and I have had a pretty uneventful day. It has been raining outside on and off all day and Jay was on call. So we took some new pictures.... She is such a good sport letting me change her clothes and take pictures. Though I would share a few....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Baby Bootcamp
Julia and I had "Baby Bootcamp" with Aunt Jacy and Ava today. Julia is still not gaining as much weight as she should be so we spent the day with Jacy to get a little help. I had to run home for an hour and when I came back, Jacy had taken all these beautiful pictures. I will post a few - they turned out so good. Thanks Jacy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2 weeks!
I cant believe Julia is 2 weeks old! Where does the time go? I love spending every minute with her, she is such a precious baby. We are still having a hard time with her weight gain but getting there. I have a very lazy eater! My camera has been out of commission but I got it fixed yesterday. Here are a couple pictures we took last night at bath time. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy 1st Week Julia!
I can't believe it has been a week. What an amazing week! She has already changed so much...
I love my new Puppy! Thanks Aunt Carrie.
Daddy got home early tonight so we had playtime. She is such a daddy's girl.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Our first trip in the BOB!
We took our first trip on a stroll in the BOB tonight. It was GREAT and Lexi was so excited to get out and go on a walk with her little sister (even though she did not make the picture - sorry)!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!
We have had a wonderful Mothers Day! Baby Julia went to the doctor this morning and got some good news - she is on track with her weight gain. The doctor was concerned on Friday that she was losing to much weight. We worked hard at feeding this weekend and she is back up to 8 lbs 11 ounces. We had some great company today - Aunt Carrie, Ryan, Carli and Meredith came to see us! We had a great time playing with Carli and watching Julia sleep. Jay just got home from working all day and my dad just got here to meet the baby!

I am very thankful for my wonderful mother - Mimi has been so great helping taking care of us. I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day, I know we sure did!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Baby Julia is HERE!
Baby Julia arrived Tuesday, May 5th at 9:03 am. She weighed 9 lbs and 5 ounces and was 20 3/4". She is the BEST BABY and I have loved every minute I have gotten to spend with her. We are still in the hospital, possibly going home tomorrow or Saturday. We have so many great fiends and family come to visit - Julia loves meeting all her new friends. I cant post pictures for some reason - I think the connection is to slow at the hospital. Will do as soon as we get home.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Still No Baby!
I know most of you must be thinking I had this baby and did not let you know... Well there is still no baby. I am over a week past my due date and still feeling pretty good, just pretty swollen and a bit uncomfortable. They have not induced bc I am not dilated at all. The dr. put me in the hospital Wednesday night to see if she could give me medicine to help me dilate and keep an eye on my blood pressure (it was slightly elevated Tuesday). They gave me the medicine twice with no luck so I went home Thursday morning. I went to the dr office Saturday to monitor the baby and check my BP and still was not dilated. Jay went with me bc we were going to talk the dr into admitting me but there was nothing he could do. So I go in Monday night, they try to give me the medicine again, if no luck 0 then I will have a C-section Tuesday. I dont want a C-section but as the dr put it "we are not dealing with a small child here". Jay is trying his hardest to get me to go into labor (I think we are climbing hills here in a little while) bc he really would like the baby to come today. We will see - nothing has worked. If all goes well, we will have a Cinco De Mayo Baby (how fitting bc it is one of my FAVORITE holidays).
Mom is still here - thank goodness!!! We have been so lucky to have her. Jay asked this morning if I would continue to make breakfast for him every morning, I told him to not count on it.
Mom is still here - thank goodness!!! We have been so lucky to have her. Jay asked this morning if I would continue to make breakfast for him every morning, I told him to not count on it.
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