The hostesses were Elizabeth Doyle, Sarah Doyle, Carrie Fritts, Meredith Gault and Kelsey McLemore. I am going to post some pictures - Baby Julia got so many wonderful gifts and books! Oh the books - everyone brought a book and they wrote sweet notes to her in the book. Every book is so special and I know we will enjoy reading them for many years!
I got several gifts that were handmade (which was so special). Jays Aunt Faye and Grandmother Joyce are pros at knitting. They have made Baby Julia the sweetest gifts throughout my pregnancy so you can imagine how excited I was to see what else they could make..... And they did not disappoint. Baby Julia got 2 of the greatest blankets! They are so soft and match her room perfectly! Kelsey and I started smocking a few months ago and she made the cutest smocked pillow that I have on the glider in the nursery. And then my cousin Terry made the cutest Bubble! Which was awesome bc I have been making Bubbles for Baby Savage and a few of her friends... that are on their way! I have used the one she made as a guide.
PS - As soon as I figure out what is wrong with the other pictures I wanted to post, I will post more pictures.

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