Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It has been a while.....

So sorry it has been so long since our last post. We have been BUSY!! Since Julia started crawling, life is not the same. She is EVERYWHERE!!!! Guest bathroom is her favorite spot, not really sure why. She does laps around the house! It takes no time at all for her to be down the hall, in the next room.

Julia and Lexi (our 100 lb Rhodesian Ridgeback) are the best of friends. Julia feeds Lexi everything (amazing that Lexi has not accidentally bitten Julia - but she is so gentle with her). It makes dinner time very entertaining. We went to eat brunch the other day and Julia kept dropping her puffs on the floor and looking around for Lexi. If Julia is playing on the floor, you will find Lexi right beside her....licking her. It is a full time job trying to get her to stop but seems to be no use.

Julia has grown up so much! Pictures coming soon (seemed to have misplaced the camera).

On a side note, please keep my family in your prayers. We have gone through a lot in the last year and looking for our luck to turn around. Also, my cousin Hilton is going through a touch battle with Leukemia. It amazes me everyday how positive he stays! Such an inspiration and he is a daily reminder that "LIFE IS GOOD!". My uncle is undergoing a hip replacement after falling a breaking his hip while on a cruise to Mexico. He was airlifted yesterday to Meridian MS and will undergo surgery in the morning.

Yesterday was my sweet nieces 7th Birthday! Happy Birthday Ella!

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