Julia can sit up all by herself! She loves to be sitting up, as soon as I put her in car seat, or bouncer... she wants up! Shopping is not as easy as it used to be.
Julia is a great little eater! She eats about 2 oz of baby food per night. We are about to add a feeding in the morning. We are still making baby food although she does eat the store bought as well (It is little easier to travel with). Apples have been her favorite so far.
Mohawk is growing!!! This is so exciting because she can wear a bow. It seems like everywhere we go, I hear "What a cute little boy", even if she is pink!
She loves her teachers at Day Care! I can not say enough good things about the staff/ curriculum at UAB Child Development Center. I get email's once a month with a day by day list of things they will work on, books to read, games to play. Everyday the teachers filled out daily report (which I am sure all schools do this) with info on books she read, how long she did tummy time, what toys she was interested in, etc. Then we get homework on things Julia needs to be working on.
Nicknames this month are Ju-Ju, Ju-B-Ju, Pumpkin head, and little sister (Lexi's Little sister). Poor kid is never going to learn her name.
Julia LOVES Lexi. And I THINK Lexi likes Julia. It is a full time job trying to keep Lexi from licking Julia! We laugh that Julia's first words will be "NO NO Lexi!"
Here are some pictures I took this morning before we left for work....
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