Kelsey and Hamilton got married!! As many of you know, one of my best friends, Kelsey, got married March 26
th in Mobile. What a great weekend! Kelsey was the most beautiful bride, it was the best wedding:) I don't even know where to start on our weekend, I guess I will start at the beginning. Thursday afternoon I decided I would try out a spray tan before the weekend. I went to this place close to my house that a person sprays you. I did it in December to do a "test run" and everything worked out great.... Well not this time. I went to tanning salon before I picked up Julia to head to Mobile. As soon as I got it done, Lexi attacks me wanting to lick me. I guess the spray tan taste good. If you have ever been spray tanned, you know that you can not get wet. AT.ALL!!!! So
Lexi gets me in a couple VERY
noticeable spots. Oh well, these things happen. Friday we celebrated
Kelsey's Bridesmaids luncheon. What a great time we had! Kelsey's Aunts had the best lunch set up for us on their back patio. We had the best time sharing old stories of Kelsey and enjoying the really COOL weather.

After the lunch, I headed downtown to get Simon and
my number for the Azalea Trail Run. That's right, the annual Smith Family Race. As many of you know, my brother Simon and I compete every yr in this 10K race (since I was in high school). The last 2 yrs we have been unable to race.... last yr Bailey and Amanda's wedding was in Natchez and the yr before that I was HUGE pregnant with Julia. We always have a good time, usually I win (tee
hee). Friday night was the
rehearsal dinner at Cafe Royal. We enjoyed a night of good food and toasting Kelsey and Hamilton.

The next morning was the big race. We were up VERY early!!! When we walked outside, it hit us like a ton of bricks. The 100% humidity and 70+ degree
weather. Why is it so hot!! Yesterday was so cool....
I'm not
used to running in this kind of weather, I thought to myself. Oh well, its only 6 miles. After the first few miles of running, I look down to check my spray tan only to find that it is melting off me. I
sweated my spray tan off!!! I could not believe it, my white shirt was
completely brown. Those ladies did not tell me this could happen. I was too
embarrassed to see anyone after the race. Of course we stayed and socialized for a couple hours after the race. Needless to say, my marathon running brother beat me so bad this year. I will get him next year:)
Here are some pictures of Julia at her good friend Blair's 3rd Birthday Party. He had a cowboy themed party with pony rides. Julia is a natural,
don't you think???