Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here are some pictures from Julia's school party and the Fritts Open House. Julia is a PARTY ANIMAL!
Carrie's daughter, Carli. We went to the Fritts annual Christmas Party last weekend and had such a GREAT time!

Julia and her school friend Lily
I LOVE a good party!
WOW Mom, are we done yet????

Where's Diego?????

While looking at the following pictures your main question might (and probably should) be "Why are those grown men denying that toddler the chance to ride the rocking horse?" or "Who knew Trent and Brad were so into pastel rocking horses?", but you would be wrong, the real question is, as always "Where in the world is Diego Herrera?"

These are the guys in Jay's residency class. Trent, Graham, and Brad (minus Dave and Diego). Diego seems to always miss the group shots, so it is a running joke - Where's Diego?
Merry Christmas! Here are some pictures from Christmas card attempts....

This one sums it all up! "Lexi please play with me.....PLA-EASE!!!!!"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ross Bridge Christmas

Baby it's cold outside

Sissy and Julia waiting for Santa

Pop, Julia and Daddy

Thanksgiving Fun

We spent Thanksgiving in Birmingham this year and had such a great weekend. My parents came in from KY and Jay's parents stayed in town so we had Thanksgiving lunch at our house. Such a great time visiting and EATING! Aunt Cathy and Aunt Irma came on Friday from Mississippi. Julia loved spending time with them! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

I Love you Granddad!
Aunt Cathy and Julia
Aunt Irma and JuliaMimi

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Frosty the Snowman

Julia loves her Frosty. Everytime it plays she lights up and moves her feet and cute.
